By Senior Pastor Chris Ogali
- The glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former, as God’s glory shines more and more on God’s people and His church.
- The new VPM is marching on and the gates of hell shall not prevail against us. Prodigals shall return repentant, and ready to restitute unconditionally. Family members shall be reunited.
- The harvest is plenty but the laborers are few. Pray ye the Lord of the harvest that He may send laborers to His work.
- There shall be more of God’s anointing and grace for praise, worship and thanksgiving for salvation, healing, deliverance and blessings as God’s people praise Him more and more.
- Pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks to God and God’s victory is assured.
- Favor, wealth and debt forgiveness/cancellation cometh and God’s prosperity shall be the portion of God’s people.
- God will deliver all oppressed by the devil as they run to God for refuge at Victory Parish Miami (VPM) in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- The cup of stubborn enemies of God is full and they will not have more chances in 2025 to torment God’s people, His anointed and church.
- Demonic strangers shall fade away and be frightened from their hiding places. Enemy storms and floods shall be swallowed by the ground all around us.
- Pray for the President and all in authority and for the smooth and peaceful transfer of government from the old to the new and all things be done orderly and decently.
- Pray against all extreme weather conditions like hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires, etc. and decree none shall come near us or our loved ones.
- Pray for divine partnerships and collaborations in government and nullify all demonic collaborations meant to stifle or hinder God’s agenda and purpose for the nation.
- Pray for Presidents of all nations and all in authority in Nigeria and our various nations of birth for peace and progress in the nations.
- More satanic spiritual sorcery especially in the church, shall be exposed as sudden judgment of God cometh against the recalcitrant.
- God will do a new thing and it shall spring forth speedily.