By Senior Pastor Chris Ogali



  1. The Lord God’s multitudes shall throng to His church to collaborate and work together with God and His anointed for greater Kingdom growth and impact. Zealous young adults and youths from every nation shall be added to the church.
  2. Keep the Lord’s altar holy always and the anointing of the Holy Spirit will fill the sanctuary as all ministering at the Lord’s altar are holy.
  3. More miracles, signs and wonders await God’s people this year.
  4. God will favor every Hannah believing God for children. They shall conceive and have children this year. Healing cometh to God’s people like never before, as God does the impossible for us.
  5. Our revival has begun in earnest in all biological groups in the church. All should pray consistently especially in the Holy Spirit and keep the flesh under and give no room to the devil.
  6. God will do a new thing in our land as God’s favor and new level of assignment for kingdom expansion cometh to the church.
  7. Decree we shall live and not die but proclaim the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
  8. God shall supply all our need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Divine packages shall be delivered at the doorsteps of the holy and faithful. There shall be debt forgiveness and wealth transfer.
  9. God is asking all in the church to work together in spirit and truth fore maximum productivity and fruitfulness in the church and the kingdom. He shall expose and cast out wolves in sheep clothing hindering God’s work, so that henceforth there shall be accelerated progress in all areas of work in God’s church.
  10. There shall be divine reconnection with long lost family members as prodigals return, repent and restitute.
  11. God will arise and scatter his enemies and those who hate Him and His people. Every satanic line of delay against God’s people shall be disbanded as accelerated recovery cometh. All enemy maneuvers and machinations shall fail and be frustrated.
  12. God will judge whore mongers, sorcerers, murderers, idolaters, liars, saboteurs and adulterers who refuse to repent and restitute their ways. The church of Jesus Christ will march on and the gates of hell shall not prevail. God will give the enemy and their riches for the sake of the righteous and it shall be well with the righteous.
  13. Maintain purity in thought, word and action and flee from all uncleanness and you will see the mighty Hand of God in all circumstances henceforth. Remember to prepare on Saturday evening for Sunday service for it is very efficacious and pays.
  14. Decree favor is our portion this year and forever as a family and we shall soar like eagles.



  1. Pray for God’s elect to be chosen in all 2024 elections and let there be peace and progress in the land.
  2. Pray against extreme weather conditions of hurricane, tornado, wildfires etc that their effects if any, may be minimal.



  1. God will overturn for the obedient and restore that which belongs to Him.
  2. God’s plan for a new Nigeria leadership to emerge from the 2023 February elections was scuttled because some of God’s generals were at loggerheads and could not work together according to God’s will. Pray for personal reconciliation among God’s leadership and accord, and perhaps God will have mercy on Nigeria and heal the land.
  3. All enemy machinations in Nigeria shall fail and backfire and the perpetrators of evil persecution shall not go unpunished.
  4. Pray Godly counsel for the President and all who are in authority, that the nations may make significant progress.
  5. Civil and religious persecution in the land if unchecked, will be very costly to the image of the nation and so pray for peace in the land.
  6. Pray for more moral and ethical values and the rule of law in the nation, without which the benefits of democracy will be unattainable.
  7. National restructuring into a more equitable and economically viable structure (Nigeria could be split into 6 geopolitical zones) could be a better way forward than the present 36 state structure. Pray for the will of God to be manifest in the nations.